Toxicant default guideline values for aquatic ecosystems — technical briefs

​​Technical briefs for the toxicant default guideline values (DGVs) provide additional details on the guideline value derivations, including information on toxicant use and sources, toxicity and factors affecting toxicity. Two types of technical briefs are provided, depending on when the toxicant DGV was published (2000 or 2018 onwards).

DGVs published in the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines

Section 8.3.7 of the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines included a short discussion of the DGV derivation for each toxicant, including factors affecting toxicity and bioavailability, and a section on aquatic toxicology. Freshwater and marine water guideline values were covered, with toxicity data summarised in the text and the DGVs stated.

For toxicant DGVs that have not been updated since 2000, we have reproduced the original descriptions as individual technical briefs, with minor updating. It should be noted that the guideline value reliability classifications reported in these technical briefs has not been updated to align with the revised reliability classification of Warne et al. (2018). However, updated reliability classifications for these DGVs are provided in the toxicant DGVs search tool.

The data used for these DGVs were available in a database, with a separate single report providing the Burrlioz 2.0 plots for each toxicant where derivations based on species sensitivity distribution (SSD) were used. These two information sources still reside with the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines, and may be incorporated into the Water Quality Guidelines website at a later stage.

New and revised DGVs published since 2018

For toxicant DGVs that have been derived or revised since the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines, we have produced individual technical briefs.

Each technical brief details the chemistry and ecotoxicity of the toxicant, followed by a comprehensive tabulation of all the toxicity data considered in the guideline value derivation and evidence that the data used passed the necessary quality assurance checks (refer to Warne et al. 2018). Burrlioz 2.0 SSD plots are included, as are details of toxicity testing data, including physicochemistry of the test media, such as pH, temperature and hardness. Full references to all data sources are provided in each technical brief.

List of toxicants

Download new or revised toxicant DGVs and current toxicant DGVs from the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines.

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